Penis enlargement operations have become the most requested from high grade Cosmedica due to satisfaction of our patients.
In the past 3-4 years they represent over 70% of all aesthetic surgeries, so I decided that in order to be closer to their demands and to be able to help you take the best decision, we created
The penis is the organ through which man can procreate, and thus is considered by many as the pillar of masculinity for a women is breast Center of womanhood.
The world has changed greatly in the last decade due to technology development and we believe that with her and cosmetic surgery.
Penis enlargement …
… has been in the past, regarded as a dangerous, risky surgery and sometimes even forbidden due to the possibilities of necunoasterii approach.
As women are the economic appearance of breasts, which sometimes are too small, too leave or form is not aspectuoasa, as well as men can be ashamed of penis size when I’m in a dressing room at a gym or a swimming pool and have to undress in public. It carries the name of the syndrome of the locker room and can produce many reactions from weakness and decreased morale and its own forces. By the way, are men who believe that often the quality of intimate relationships is precarious due to a small penis.
Considering that the subject can be finicky, seeking detailed information about the procedure, with before and after pictures and the effect which can produce this surgery. comes in support of these aspects because being a dedicated website to provide necessary explanations can with luxury details through the texts focused on just this topic, accompanied by images performed preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative and testimonials with patients who have benefited from these procedures.
By making patients can achieve involvement and experience medical team from Cosmedica clinic with these procedures, even before you get in contact with the doctor.
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