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Guys, let’s face it!
Surely there was a time in your life, where you want to be more “big” …

“I think there is no man who does not have at least once in a lifetime, a bigger penis by 1-2 cm”, says Professor of Urologic Surgery at Harvard Medical School.

So, the question is, how can it be enlarged penis? How is fiction and reality?

Natural penis enlargement exercises are a medical FICTION

From a logical point of view seem to have meaning: you do exercises, increase blood flow and penis becomes larger. In reality, however, does not work that way. The size of the penis cannot be enlarged as a biceps. The penis does not have the same features as a muscle. The penis is made up of vascular tissue, not muscle and fibers such as muscles. Therefore, the penis cannot be enlarged by exercise.

Penis enlargement pills again, a FICTION

Some men can enjoy penis enlargement pills, but through the results are short-term and may be even disastrous side effects. In conclusion, treatment with pills are not proven as safe and effective.

Penis enlargement by faloplastie

Penis enlargement surgery is an intervention in the field of aesthetic chirugiei. This improves the aesthetic appearance of the penis, with an increase in size, length and thickness. Through this procedure can win 1-3 cm in length and 3-4 cm in girth.
More informations you can find in section “Thickening the penis

“Size does not matter for her” is a FALSE myth

Size matters to her and matter very much. According to a study by the Journal of Sexual Medicine, the average penis size is 14.22 cm. The same study examined the impact of the length and thickness of the women orgasm.

The study concluded that “women who have vaginal orgasms, say as much easier to reach climax if their partner has a longer penis” (Journal of Sexual Medicine-September 24, 2012).
The bottom line is that size does matter for her and would do well to count and for you!

In the framework of the Cosmedica Clinic, we make penis enlargement surgery through the following methods:
penis thickening by injection of own fat-Cosmedica Clinic is one of the first clinics from Romania that used the fat from the breast, buttock augmentation, skin rejuvenation and the labia majora, untill thickening of penis;
dermal tissue penis thickening proper-if the patient is very loose and wants penis thickening, but there are no areas in which its fat, collecting it appeal to this procedure;
penis thickening with titanium implants-in the clinic, we use successfully titanium implants with a guarantee of sterilization. Cosmedica clinic, has all the equipment and devices to accomplish this procedure secure;
-surgical penile elongation surgery-dorsal penile elongation lasts approximately 45 minutes and consists in sectioning and dezinsertia ligaments fundiform and suspensory on the Agency ‘ pube ‘, followed by stretching technique that deepens ventrally through the scrotum. Learn more about penis enlargement.

Schedule a consultation:

To schedule a consultation with our doctors specialists, send an email to or give us a call at: 0753,042,234. All the information and discussion to be considered will be kept confidential or online consultation 

Mihai Chertif
Dr. Mihai Chertif

Medic primar chirurgie plastica si estetica

Administrator Clinica Cosmedica

Baia Mare

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