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Patients' opinions

The opinions of other patients are very important in making a decision when it comes to cosmetic surgery. Opinions about a doctor are important because they sometimes help other patients who want to know some facts about him, about the clinic where he works and about the medical staff he runs. There are many factors that lead to a satisfied patient when it comes to cosmetic surgery. At Cosmedica we try every day to exceed both our expectations and especially those of our patients. Our patients’ opinion about the doctors, the medical staff, the conditions in the clinic and the way the services are carried out are very important to us. We want patients’ opinions to be as objective as possible because that’s the only way we can relate to the real value of the quality of our services. Patients’ assessments may be related to how the consultation, approach and care of our doctors went, how they interacted with the reception staff or the medical staff, the accommodation conditions and last but not least, about the result obtained. You can see below how our patients honored us with their medical or clinical opinions. On this occasion we encourage you to write us your opinions about the trip you had with us!

Clinica Cosmedica
Based on 147 reviews
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Ana-Maria Singeorzan
Ana-Maria Singeorzan
10:19 05 Apr 22
Puneti oamenii pe drum doar sa le spuneti ca nu se poate face nimic ,desi la telefon am specificat ce fel de problema... prezinta pacientul.nici macar nu i-ati oferit un consult cu medicul intrun cabinet specializat.totul s-a discutat pe hol foarte scurt si rapid.ati incasat taxa de programare si altul la rand.putea-ti sa ne ne spuneti la telefon ca nu faceti astfel de more
maria ardelean
maria ardelean
09:13 04 Apr 22
In 7 decembrie 2016 am fost operata in clinica Cosmedica de dr. Mihai Chertif de o formatiune nodulara in regiunea... mediana sant nazojugual drept a fost efectuata cu foarte multa pricepere si maiestrie ca nu a ramas nici o urma pe fata si nu a mai aparut desi era de natura maligna .In 11.10.2021 am fost operata tot de domnul dr. Mihai Chertif la pavilionul urechii stangi din care a fost extirpata o parte tot din motive oncologice si mia fost reconstruit pavilionul foarte perfect nedeosebindu-se cu nimic de cel drept.Conditiile din clinica rivalizeaza cu multe clinici europene private din punct de vedere al dotarii si performantei domnului dr. Mihai Chertif si al tuturor medicilor si personalului medical.Pe langa profesionalism intalnim blandetea , vorba linistitoare care iti da putere si speranta in reusita operatiei si tratamentele post operatorii.Bunul Dumnezeu sa binecuvinteze mainile celor ce ingrijesc pe bolnavi domnul dr. Mihai Chertif cu toti doctorii si personalul medical din clinica Cosmedica Baia Mare ca sa serveasca drept unelte in mana A tot puternicului doctor Hristos Mantuitorul nostru .read more
Edith Palencsar
Edith Palencsar
16:51 29 Mar 22
Multumesc din suflet d-lui dr.Mihai Chertif pt.timpul acordat,pt.promptitudine,pt.profesionalism si pt.eleganta cu care... s-a comportat inainte,in timpul interventiei si dupa acesta!Multumesc totodata intregului personal de la clinica Cosmedica! A fost o experienta placuta si recomand tuturor celor,care doresc sa imbunateasca ceva in viata lor!Este o clinica moderna,curatenie impecabila si tot personalul este minunat.Multumesc!read more
Marinela Bob
Marinela Bob
10:41 24 Feb 22
Sunt foarte mulțumită de serviciile oferite!Vreau sa va mulțumesc pentru cum am fost tratată, pt ca am fost înțeleasă... și sfătuită sa fac cea mai buna alegere pentru mine. Domnul Doctor Chertif Mihai ma făcut sa ma simt in siguranța, este un om foarte deschis și pur și simplu are o energie foarte buna. Condițiile de la clinica sunt foarte bune, totul este curat, iar despre personalul sanitar pot spune ca, toți din echipa sunt atenți și bine organizați. Cât timp am fost internata au avut grija de mine permanent și au fost foarte prezenți. As recomanda cu cel mai mare drag tuturor persoanelor care vor sa facă o schimbare in viața more
Delia Ardelean
Delia Ardelean
09:13 18 Feb 22
Domnul Chertif Mihai,un medic cu foarte multă rabdare care iti explica cu detalii amănunțite orce pas pe care trebuie... urmat,totul e decurs foarte bine exact asa cum mi-a fost explicat.Mi sa transmis multa incredere in ciuda faptului ca eu sunt o persoana foarte panicată. Le multumesc frumos pentru tot ...personalul foarte amabil spitalul de nota 10 cu *.read more
d silv
d silv
13:19 07 Feb 22
Buna ziua,Am avut o interventie la domnu doctor Mihai Chertif , foarte serios si profesionist. Recomand clinica si pe... domnu doctor cu mare incredere, personal foarte amabil, mancare buna si cazarea in spital pentru o noapte, peste asteptari.Am mai remarcat cusatura dupa interventie care este foarte finuta si nu se vede aproape deloc in comparatie cu alte cusaturi ce am vazut online.Va urez numai bine celor din clinica more
Dragos Ionescu
Dragos Ionescu
06:45 07 Feb 22
Recomand cu încredere Clinica CosmedicaDl Dr Mihai Chertif un profesionist desăvârșit. Personalul de nota 10 +Vă... mulțumesc pentru intervenția chirurgicalăRESPECTread more
Renata-Yvonna Barz
Renata-Yvonna Barz
19:50 23 Jan 22
Am avut deosebita placere sa-l cunosc pe Domnul Dr. med.priv. Chertif si sa ma las pe "mainile dansului". Am fost deja... la doua interventii non-chirurgicale pentru tratarea ridurilor si rezultatele au fost si sunt excelente, deoarece se folosesc produse si tehnici de ultima ora. Clinica este la standarde europene, iar echipa medicala foarte bine organizata si simpatica. Recomand cu foarte mare caldura acest loc si garantez ca nu veti fi dezamagiti! Profesionalitate-Calitate-Devotament si Know-How, cu aceste atribute as descria Clinica Cosmedica! Va multumesc si ne vedem curand 🙂read more
Rotar Paula
Rotar Paula
19:15 16 Jan 22
Sunt foarte multumita de prestările serviciilor din aceasta clinica , și recomand cu mare încredere . Personalul este... unul profesionist și foarte amabil, iar Dr. Mihai Chertif este o persoana care este implicat 100% in tot ceea ce face. Va mulțumesc !read more
Bianca Ardelean
Bianca Ardelean
20:25 12 Jan 22
Mi-am dorit de foarte mult timp să optez pentru procedura de augmentare a buzelor cu acid hialuronic și sunt foarte... mulțumită de rezultat. Buzele mele arată extrem de natural, exact ce mi-am dorit. Domnul doctor Mihai Chertif este un medic deosebit care a reușit în timp să creeze în jurul său o echipa care îi împărtășeste aceleași valori. Am avut destul de multe emoții înainte de procedura dar domnul doctor lucrează foarte atent iar profesionalismul, calmul și explicațiile acestuia m-au făcut să mă simt extrem de confortabil. Mulțumesc!read more
17:50 04 Jan 22
Felicitări pentru tot ce faceți! Calitatea serviciilor medicale, a materialelor folosite, atenția și răbdarea față de... pacient, respectarea procedurilor și circuitelor, dotarea medicală, aparatura noua și modernă, arată standardul remarcabil la care duceți Clinica Cosmedica.Felicitări SENIOR DR. CHERTIF pentru putere, tenacitate și acțiune!Felicitări Junior DR. CHERTIF, pentru răbdare, atenție și dorința de performanță!read more
Maria Rodica
Maria Rodica
17:14 04 Jan 22
Multumesc personalului medical, in special dl. Dr. Chertif Mihai. Recomand tuturor cu mare incredere.
Noblesse Beauty Studio
Noblesse Beauty Studio
19:26 30 Dec 21
Recomand cu incredere serviciile clinicii Cosmedica, dl doctor Mihai Chertif ofera toate detaliile necesare, incredere... si este un adevarat profesionist, migălos si perfectionist ceea ce face ca rezultatele sa fie cele dorite. Amabilitatea si caldura personalului m-au facut sa ma simt in largul meu. Multumesc tuturorread more
Diana Adelina
Diana Adelina
16:17 28 Dec 21
Intervențiile au fost de folos. Domnul doctor Mihai Chertif este un adevărat profesionist. Recomand cu încredere... aceasta clinica! Foarte mulțumită!!read more
Nicoleta Varga
Nicoleta Varga
09:18 09 Dec 21
“Intr-o lume in care poti fi orice… alege sa fi BUN” , este citatul dupa care ma ghidez in viata, si care se... potriveste de minune cand ma gandesc la experienta traita in clinica Cosmedica, alaturi de Dl Dr. Mihai Chertif si intregul personal. Pe langa serviciile de calitate peste asteptari, m-a impresionat lucrul in echipa si centrarea pe pacient, sunt o familie mare si buna, care iti ofera toate increderea si sprijinul de care ai nevoie. Iar dl dr. Mihai Chertif este cea mai buna alegere pe care am facuto, pe langa rezultatul obtinut peste asteptarile mele datorita experientei si dedicarii lui, este acel medic care iti inspira incredere pe loc si care iti ofera suport atunci cand ai nevoie cel mai mult! Ii doresc sa ramana asa mereu!read more
Ardelean Patricia
Ardelean Patricia
13:36 06 Dec 21
Bună ziua, recomand cu încredere Clinica Cosmedica, personalul foarte săritor și drăguț, iar doctorul Mihai Chertif... este un doctor excelent, lucrează foarte atent și are mare grijă de pacienții dumnealui. Am fost foarte mulțumită!read more
Vlad Topan
Vlad Topan
17:20 30 Nov 21
Buna ziua,Am facut o interventie de liposuctie abdominala si periferica in cadrul clinicii Cosmedica!Pot sa... caracterizez experienta de la internare pana la externare ca fiind plina de profesionalism!Atata personalul cat si conditiile clinicii!Domnul doctor Mihai Chertif a efectuat aceasta interventie si vreau sa ii multumesc pt pasiunea si profesionalismul de care da dovada!Multumesc tuturor pt experienta in clinica Cosmedica!read more
Mihai Sebastian Rus
Mihai Sebastian Rus
21:26 17 Nov 21
Recomand clinica Cosmedica cu,mare incredere.Personal foarte primitor si saritor,orice intrebare sau nelamurire te... ajuta cu mare drag.Interventia de care am avut parte,realizata de domnul doctor Mihai Chertif a decurs usor.Toate nelamuririle,intrebarile si curiozitatile inainte si dupa interventie mi-au fost explicate in amanunt de catre domnul doctor.Multumesc pentru tot ceea ce mi-ati oferit si va doresc multa sanatate!read more
Maria Maria
Maria Maria
11:15 03 Nov 21
Bună ziua.Domnul doctor Mihai Chertif e un om minunat,un adevărat profesionist și de o mare încredere. Sunt foarte... mulțumită de rezultatul operației. Tot personalul este foarte primitor.Multumesc mult Clinica Cosmedica.Recomand cu mare încredere această clinică. Vă doresc multă sănătate la tot more
14:22 18 Sep 21
Hello… My interaction with the Cosmedica clinic was very successful. In this way I want to thank Dr. Chertif Pt for... instilling confidence in me and the fact that I chose to have surgery there is only his merit..A very patient doctor, a a man who is seen to do his job out of passion..Exceptional conditions at the clinic, all the staff exaggeratedly kind..Low the hat..I wish the Doctor success and may the Lord give you the strength to practice like this until old age..My respects and thousands of more
Amalia Dunca
Amalia Dunca
12:32 10 Sep 21
Domnul doctor Mihai Chertif e un om minunat,foarte profesional,am ales să îmi măresc buzele(frica mea de ace fiind... undeva la nivelul 100😂😂) are o mână foarte ușoară sunt foarte mulțumită de rezultat iar fetele de la clinică sunt de nota 10 foarte politicoase emană o energie foarte pozitivă. Daca doriți o schimbare mergeti cu încredere la Clinica Cosmedica❤️❤️❤️read more
Ruxandra Costescu
Ruxandra Costescu
05:12 04 Sep 21
Appointment at 13:30, I wait until 13:51 to then let me know that the doctor has left and does not know when he will... return. Very nice behavior towards patients.EDIT: I went back over the review and changed it because I got a response from the clinic. I'll go back to the consultation, and I'll pay for it. I really appreciate the fact that you care about patients to be satisfied even if they were initially more
Roxana Cimpean
Roxana Cimpean
16:04 03 Sep 21
Am ales Clinca Cosmedica și nu mi a părut rău, Mulțumesc D-l doctor Mihai Chertif și personalului clinicii deosebit de... competent și pentru profesionalismul și atitudinea de care au dat dovadă. Mulțumesc Clinica Cosmedica pentru experiența oferită și pentru un rezultat minunat. Felicitări domnului doctor Mihai Chertif și echipei sale.Recomand cu cea mai mare încredere Clinica Cosmedicaread more
Bunea Petru
Bunea Petru
11:19 28 Aug 21
Un mediu placut, foarte curat, personal foarte bine calificat, atent si primitor, discret daca se impune, iar medicii... sunt meticulosi si atenti la cel mai mic detaliu!read more
Sirghi Albert
Sirghi Albert
15:53 25 Aug 21
Astazi am fost externat din clinica privata Cosmedica, iar ce pot spune este ca am ramas profund impresionat de felul... in care am fost tratat. In primul rand, interventia a fost efectuata de catre domnul doctor Mihai Chertif, care a fost extraordinar de comunicativ, si a avut grija ca totul sa decurga ca la carte. Mi-a prezentat in detaliu fiecare amanunt al procedurii, chiar mi-a aratat si un videoclip cu aceasta interventie efectuata de catre dumnealui, asa incat pot cu incredere sa afirm ca am fost informat corespunzator. Interventia a decurs fara nici cea mai mica problema. Apoi,am fost internat in conditii foarte bune (camera spatioasa si curata cu un singur pat electric reglabil, mancare gustoasa, baie cu dus, televizor etc.), iar cadrele medicale au fost foarte grijulii cu mine (as vrea sa mentionez cateva nume pentru lauda, insa am retinut doar prenumele domnului asistent sef, Marius, care a avut grija de mine pe timp de noapte).Va urez numai bine celor din clinica Cosmedica!read more
Bans Novak
Bans Novak
00:38 22 Aug 21
I start by wishing you a beautiful day to all those who will read these lines. I am a 21-year-old patient of Dr. Mihai... Chertif, a patient who opted for a frenuloplasty revision and the removal of a skin hypertrophy from an old circumcision. About 4-5 years ago, I requested a circumcision operation in another city, not being from Baia Mare, to another doctor, for purely aesthetic reasons, not having a medical problem. The result did not live up to my expectations, I dare say that not even the least pretentious man in terms of appearance would have been satisfied. About 1 year, 1 year and a bit ago, I opted for a check-up at another doctor without knowing about this clinic. The result was improved, but I was still left with some scars that I wanted to get rid of while being aware that this would mean a third intervention in the same area, a very sensitive area. After several searches I found the Cosmedica clinic. I thought I had nothing to lose and decided to make an appointment for an online consultation. I was greeted in a pleasant way, I explained everything I suffered in great detail and I was explained very nicely and in detail what can be done, how many options I have, what this intervention entails, if I need to stay in the hospital. or not, under what conditions it can be done and what risks exist. I appreciated the sincerity of the doctor from the beginning and the fact that he is a man who shows empathy, patience and dedication. I was told that a set of tests would be needed, tests that I did. Once the analyzes were seen, good by the way, I was scheduled for a consultation before the intervention and the actual intervention the next day. I arrived in Baia Mare for a consultation and everything went very well. I was presented with pictures and I was answered with any question or any doubt I still had about the intervention and more. After the operation, I stayed in the hospital for a day. The conditions in the hospital are very good, very clean, good food, super friendly staff. Whenever I needed something, it was nice to talk to and I got help. After the discharge, I kept in touch with Dr. Mihai Chertif whenever I had a question about care or anything else without any problems. I can say that the result is beyond my expectations, considering that it was a third intervention in the same area, a very good result. I wholeheartedly recommend this clinic to Dr. Mihai Chertif, a results-oriented doctor and patient more
frant petru danut
frant petru danut
06:03 18 Aug 21
O clinica de nota 10 cum de altfel si personalul ,serviciile sunt mult peste asteptari ! O recomand cu toata increderea!
Melania Borzan
Melania Borzan
13:03 16 Aug 21
O clinica de nota 10 cu personal de nota 11 😊!!!Atmosfera prietenoasa si foarte profi in acelasi timp, o... clinica in care te simti in siguranta incepand din receptie.Recomand Clinica Cosmedica din toate punctele de vedere!!!read more
14:05 30 Jun 21
I thank Dr. Mihai Chertif for his professionalism in a surgery that turned out to be much more complex than I... anticipated. Everything went very well, being pleasantly impressed by the empathy and humanity of the doctor and the entire staff of the Cosmedica clinic. Thanks for everything!!!read more
Eduard Seidl
Eduard Seidl
11:45 20 Jun 21
Recomand cu incredere clinica Cosmedica!Cautarea pentru cea mai buna clinica pentru nevoile mele m-a dus din... Bucuresti la 600 KM distanta, in Baia Mare, la doctorul Mihai Chertif, si pot sa spun ca este de departe cea mai buna alegere pe care puteam sa o fac.Am avut placerea de a beneficia de o consultanta online inainte de a face drumul de 8 ore cu masina, consultatie care m-a lasat placut impresionat de profesionalismul si rabdarea doctorului Mihai.Odata ajuns acolo, am fost intampinat de un personal calm si prietenos, care mi-a acordat toata grija de care am avut nevoie atat inainte de operatie cat si dupa.Dupa o monitorizare de 24 ore post-operatorie mi-am inceput drumul inapoi spre Bucuresti. Odata ajuns, pe toata perioada de recuperare am tinut contactul cu doctorul Mihai, beneficiind de raspunsuri prompte si o atentie desavarsita ori de cate ori aveam o intrebare sau voiam sa ii cer parerea in legatura cu vindecarea operatiei.Sunt extrem de multumit de rezultat si de experienta pe care am avut-o cu Clinica Cosmedica. Recomand!read more
sergiu stan
sergiu stan
06:09 20 May 21
Professionalism, attention to detail, qualified staff and attentive to the needs of patients. I recommend, Mr.Dr. M. I... certify a true professional from all points of more
Cristea Costel
Cristea Costel
15:12 15 May 21
I recommend the Cosmedic Clinic with the medical team at the highest level. Even if the situation created by the... pandemic made everything reorganize and this team move on. It all started with the online consultation where the difference was two seconds from the set time ... (we think from the start about the time lost at the state offices). Mr. Dr. Mihai explained to me everything about the operation, all the stages and what is the starting point for everything to come to an end. Paraphimosis surgery is not that simple in adult men. It is very good to be informed. I had looked for clinics in the country where to do this surgery. At Cosmedica we found the best presentation, how everything goes, what the procedure is and what the recovery will be like. After the online consultation I kept in constant contact with Mr. Dr. Mihai. I received the set of tests that must be done. After all the tests were ok, the appointment for surgery followed and the day before, the consultation at the cosmetic clinic. arrived at the medical center, the control point and the rules covid 19 are observed with sanctity (I recommend you to have the vaccination certificate) , the problems with which the patients came and the reconstruction operation performed by Mr. Dr Mihai after other surgeons. The next day I returned to the cosmetology where I was hospitalized and prepared for the operation. The interior is impeccable, living room equipped at the highest level, bathroom, TV, adjustable beds, bedside tables, wardrobe where all the clothes come packed in special covers, receptions, bathrobe, slippers, etc. I was accompanied to the operating room where I was expected by Mr. Dr. Mihai and his team, the operation lasted less than an hour, for me it was simple that I woke up in a reserve after which Mr. Dr. Mihai came to me and he asked me if I was feeling well. I remained under constant surveillance until the evening after which I returned to the salon. Very good food, everything you want is ordered. The next day I was discharged after I was explained what I need to do next, follow the treatment, dressings, etc. After each week, I communicate with Dr. Mihai about my condition and how the healing is going. At three weeks I returned to cosmetology for consultation and removal of the thread from the suture. AsMr. Dr. Mihai greeted me with professionalism and fairness. Now everything is fine, I am glad that I found this cosmetic clinic very well organized from all points of view, equipment, staff, cleaning, appointments, medical team, etc. This is my story at the Cosmedic Clinic and the experience lived there. I thank Dr. Mihai Chertif, whom I consider a friend. I confidently recommend the Cosmedic more
Alex Alex
Alex Alex
12:51 23 Apr 21
I wholeheartedly recommend (really!) This medical clinic and I'll tell you why. I could say (although I did not have... such expectations) that the services I received in Baia Mare are like in the West. And I'm not just referring to the hospitalization / accommodation conditions that are the equivalent of a 4-star hotel, but I'm referring especially to the medical act itself. Thus, from the first "contact" with the clinic, which was the online consultation, I was impressed by the patience and professionalism with which Dr. Mihai Chertif leisurely exposed to me all the information I need to decide, without try to convince me to choose his services.Subsequently, the intervention I did was a total success. I could see that the doctor's work is done out of passion and the desire to get the best results, which I think is very important.As a conclusion, I can say that the attention of all medical staff, starting with the ladies at the reception and up to the doctor performing the operation, is directed towards the patient, the ultimate goal being for the patient to obtain the desired result, in conditions of comfort, safety and full information. .Thanks to Dr. Mihai Chertif and the Cosmedica team!read more
Anca Iordanescu
Anca Iordanescu
22:16 05 Mar 21
Impeccable, beyond expectations. The clinic is modern, clean and gives you that much-needed sense of security. The... entire staff consists of friendly and warm people. The care and attention that doctor Mihai Chertif pays to patients both before and after the procedure are commendable. As for me, I thank Dr. Mihai for my improved reflection in the mirror and I inform him that we will see each other soon 😁. Sincerely, Ancaread more
More reviews
It actually changed my life and I will never be able to thank the doctor enough
I found out about this clinic after a lot of internet searches related to phalloplasty. After the first telephone conversation with Dr. Mihai Chertif, I admit that I didn't think it was possible for a doctor in Romania to be so sociable and effective in answering any question you had. After a while I got up my courage and arrived in Baia Mare where I met Mr. Dr. at the Cosmedica clinic. The impression made? He is a doctor who loves his job and wants his patient to fulfill his dream. At the consultation, he explained absolutely everything to me to know any aspect related to the scheduled intervention. I mean, I was impressed with the clinic, the cleanliness, the staff behavior ... everything was great. The operation itself went smoothly and the result is far beyond what I dreamed of. It actually changed my life and I will never be able to thank the doctor enough.
George B.
Good luck to the Cosmedica clinic team!
My name is Alexandru and I am from Pitesti. I always wanted to try to do something with my penis because I thought it was smaller than normal. I found the Cosmedica clinic on the internet and I could read quite a lot about their possibilities to enlarge the penis. The way the problem was posed made me believe that they are professionals and that's why I turned to their help. The fact that I was called by Dr. Mihai Chertif after my telephone request was the most important thing for me because it gave me the confidence I needed. In the end I can say that everything was as I was told from the beginning and the operation was a success. I am satisfied with the result, especially since my partner confirmed to me that there is a big difference compared to the period before the operation.
Alex D.
A doctor who loves his job and wants his patient to fulfill his dream
I found out about this clinic after a lot of internet searches related to phalloplasty. After the first telephone conversation with Dr. Mihai Chertif, I admit that I didn't think it was possible for a doctor in Romania to be so sociable and effective in answering any question you had. After a while I got up my courage and arrived in Baia Mare where I met Dr. at the Cosmedica clinic. Impressed? He is a doctor who loves his job and wants his patient to fulfill his dream. During the consultation, he explained absolutely everything to me to know any aspect related to the scheduled intervention. I mean, I was impressed with the clinic, the cleanliness, the staff behavior ... everything was great. The operation itself went smoothly and the result is far beyond what I dreamed. It has indeed changed my life and I will never be able to thank the doctor enough.
I greet you all with respect
Good morning, I'm from Salonta and I did the penis thickening operation by injecting my own fat. I want to tell the doctor that everything is going well, the penis is not swollen or irritated, indeed it has already dropped to 10% so far but I am very satisfied for now! If I knew when he was freer I would call him to talk !! Greetings to all. Have a nice day!
a real team of professionals
Hello. I am Marius from Bacau, I am 38 years old and two days ago I had an operation called phalloplasty (lengthening and thickening of the penis with my own fat), well I only did my thickening. I want to mention that Dr. Mihai Chertif and his team managed to do what I set out to do many years ago… even more than I expected… Thank you… Cosmedica Clinic is a top one but with modest prices, I was extremely pleased with how I was treated … Single room, tv, internet, air conditioning, very modern and clean bathroom, the medical staff gave me perfect attention, here I want to mention Ioana who was on duty in the evening while I was under surveillance and to Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your attention and for your pure soul, a girl angel… who at the age of 26 does everything with great pleasure and pleasure for the patient… I don't think there is such a modern clinic in the country, so dedicated staff, only words of praise… Bravo and keep it that way… a real team of professionals, but important is the result that, with which even now I am not used to how good it looks… Thick and strong… Thanks again to Dr. Mihai Chertif for his patience and professionalism proof… so yes 👌… I feel like a dream of a lifetime has come true…. Score 10 out of 10 on all levels… Well done guys, I see that it is possible in Romania as well.
you can't help but leave this clinic satisfied with a smile on your face, no matter what the situation
Hello! My name is Cosmin, and I want to share my experience with you at the Cosmedica Clinic! I have been dreaming of a penis enlargement operation for many years! In 2017, while searching the internet, I came across this clinic in Baia Mare, after which I started to inform myself, to browse their website looking for opinions and information about doctors and staff! I only came across opinions and good words about them, so in September 2017 I decided to go to a consultation with Dr. Mihai Chertif! Said and done. I was greeted at the entrance by a warm and smiling staff who made me feel very relaxed, and what can I say about Dr. Mihai Chertif! A man of grade 10, I discussed the operation as between 2 friends, he listened to me and explained to me any ambiguity with love and a smile on his face! (You can't help but leave with a smile on your face from this clinic, no matter the situation) so we have scheduled the operation for December. Everything went according to what was said at the consultation by the doctor, without complications and with that desired result (the one dreamed) as for the intimate life, it is clear that it is a BIG +! I highly recommend it and I definitely hope to step into your clinic whenever I need it! Thank you very much for everything! All the best!!!

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